Von Holten Ranch Mission & Vision
Von Holten Ranch is a trail riding, camping facility, and homesteading education facility dedicated to providing a high quality, family-oriented, safe environment for guests.
Our amenities include trails, electric sites, cabins, covered stalls, heated & air-conditioned shower house, round pens, covered arena, mounted archery course, mountain trail course (obstacle course), boarding barn, and a heated & air-conditioned barn.
Von Holten Ranch is located on a family-owned farm purchased in 1906. David and Brandy became the 4th generation to own the farm when they purchased it in 2013. They share their love of the great outdoors on the cherished family farm.
Von Holten Ranch strives to be a sought-after facility that is known for caring about guests, being innovative, and on the forefront in quality of all-inclusive excursion, homesteading education, and equine competitions. Von Holten Ranch is a safe learning environment that builds others up with solid education that can be passed on to others.

Von Holten Ranch Core Values
Von Holten Ranch strives to encompass these core values with every guest and every adventure.
- Quality & Cleanliness
- Family
- Safety
- Patriotism
- Inclusiveness
- Adventure & Improved Quality of Life