Successfully Dealing with Imperfections During a Horse Competition country tough trail versatility equine competition horsemanship and training Feb 13, 2024

As a host, you are not going to be perfect.  As soon as you can come to terms with this inevitable truth, you will regain hours of sleep and find a peace of mind that is priceless.  Follow me through a journey of a few of my face first fumbles I have encountered as a host.

#1  Materials did not arr...

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Prizes, Prizes, Prizes country tough trail versatility equine competition horsemanship and training mounted archery Feb 13, 2024

Prizes for an equine competition allow you to connect with your competitors, acknowledge their accomplishments, have fun, and promote your event!  Prizes can range in price, size, and usefulness.  With my husband and I hosting for several different organizations at our equine facility in Missouri, I...

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Finding Motivation Between 18 and AARP country tough trail versatility equine competition horsemanship and training online learning Feb 13, 2024

Finding courage and motivation is a difficult task and gets harder and harder to find as we add candles to our birthday cake each year.  I, too, find myself doubting and fearing being made fun of or just utterly failing and looking like I have never been on a horse in my life.  I found an ounce of c...

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Traveling to New Campgrounds with Your Equine country tough trail versatility equine competition equine health trail riding traveling with equine Feb 01, 2024

As a facility owner and event host, I have seen the same situations time after time.  Here are some tips to assure you have an even more enjoyable time while venturing out to trail riding and event facilities.

Negative Coggins Test and Health Certificates

When you pull into a facility for check-in...

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The Importance of Horseshow Ribbons country tough trail versatility equine competition horsemanship and training mounted archery Feb 01, 2024

Ribbons can motivate people and become a joyous reminder of achieving a sought after goal.  Ribbons do not get enough credit for what they do for a person’s sense of pride.  Through owning a trail riding facility that hosts numerous events throughout the year in everything ranging from horse shows, ...

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Rules and Guidelines for a Happy Facility camping and glamping chix in the sticks equine competition traveling with equine Feb 01, 2024

Having rules or guidelines in place will help you keep your facility or the location of your event in tip top shape!  You cannot assume that people will know what is expected, especially since we all have different backgrounds and experiences. My husband and I own a trail riding facility that specia...

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How to Easily Increase The Number of Obstacles on a Budget country tough trail versatility equine competition horsemanship and training obstacle course Feb 01, 2024

If you are a host of any obstacle competition, after a few events you start drawing a blank on how to change things up and keep people raving about your events and coming back!  Here’s the deal, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.  The key to having new obstacles is to strategically change the old...

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Making Your Obstacle Course Run Smooth and Efficient country tough trail versatility equine competition horsemanship and training obstacle course Feb 01, 2024

There are ways to design your course for your competition to run smoothly and time efficiently.  Understanding the two major types of obstacles will help you begin designing a course that people will rave about and look forward to returning to in the future.  There are typically two types of obstacl...

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Put the Judge Back on the Pedestal country tough trail versatility equine competition Feb 01, 2024

My husband and I own and operate Von Holten Ranch, a trail riding facility in Mora, MO.  We have  hosted over 70 events a year.  When people view our life looking from the outside in, they think this is a cake walk and think there is not any stress related to owning a trail riding facility.  In all ...

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Simple Ways to Have a Better Relationship with Your Equine equine health horsemanship and training Feb 01, 2024

Life is always about the little details.  If someone remembers your birthday and sends a card, that means more than wishing you happy birthday on Facebook.  If someone makes you a cup of coffee and remembers that you like 2 tablespoons of almond creamer and one stevia, your day is made!  If a child ...

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Shooting Fire at Equifest of Kansas horsemanship and training mounted archery online course traveling with equine Feb 01, 2024

Equifest of Kansas is a three-day expo put on yearly by the Kansas Horse Council.  It is a big deal for the equine industry in Kansas and Missouri.  Equifest is vital to our trail riding facility.  We only close three times per year; Christmas, deer hunting season, and Equifest of Kansas. 

2019 was...

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In Hand Opportunities in CT2V country tough trail versatility equine competition horsemanship and training obstacle course traveling with equine Jan 31, 2024

CT2V, Country Tough Trail Versatility, has two In Hand Divisions:  Foundations I and Foundations II.  Champion and Reserve Champion buckles will be awarded during the Country Tough Trail Versatility National Championship held in Mora, MO.

CT2V is a versatility association that combines trail riding...

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