Importance of Traveling with Your Equine camping and glamping equine competition horsemanship and training trail riding traveling with equine Aug 08, 2024

When you have been riding your mule at your home and you really think they are solid, think again.  There are three things in this world that will keep you humble:  toddlers, drunks, and your mule.  My mule has surprised me in good ways and bad ways while traveling with him in the past.  In order to...

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How EIA Affected My Life equine health traveling with equine Aug 08, 2024

E.I.A. are the initials for Equine Infectious Anemia.  A Coggins test is used to test for E.I.A.  When I was 8 years old and living in Texas, I had a life-changing lesson about just how deadly E.I.A. can be on our herd of horses. 

You see, our horses never went anywhere.  My father was a farmer and...

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Take the Time to Take the Time it Takes equine health horsemanship and training trail riding Aug 08, 2024

It really is that simple.  If you want a safe finished mule you are going to have to make it a priority to take the time to take the time it takes.  There are literally no shortcuts.  My mules and horses all took years to develop into the herd they are now.  YEARS, not months. 

So many people want ...

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Reading a Stoic Mule equine health horsemanship and training traveling with equine Aug 08, 2024

Some mules tell you when things are wrong:  sore hoof, sore back, tired, need their sheath cleaned, itchy ears, and the list goes on.  But on the flipside, some mules are stoic and will absorb any hint they could give you about what is going on behind the scenes. 

I have two mules, one is stoic and...

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Dealing with a Buddy Sour Horse or Mule country tough trail versatility horsemanship and training trail riding traveling with equine Aug 08, 2024

With owning a trail facility, I get to see a lot of different mule and horse people throughout the year.  Lots of different levels of riders, lots of different equine, and lots of different confidence levels. 

One of the issues I see that has caused all sorts of issues is buddy sourness.  I have se...

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Mule Shines at Mounted Police Training horsemanship and training obstacle course Aug 08, 2024

The mounts that are used by the Mounted Police must be desensitized to everything!  That is exactly what Celeste Bennett and Brandy Von Holten did this summer while attending the National Mounted Police training with Instructor Bill Richey. 

Celeste’s mule, Tucson, is a 13-year-old Molly mule from ...

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Going to Need More Than a Hoof Pick horsemanship and training trail riding traveling with equine Aug 08, 2024

What do you keep in your saddle bag when you are heading out for a trail ride?  Water?  Chapstick? Hoof pick?  Vet wrap?  Bear spray?  Pop tarts and cheetos?

Sometimes, no matter how prepared you are, you just cannot prepare for some situations.  With my husband and I owning a trail riding facility...

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Trail Versatility Association Adds Different Abilities Divisions country tough trail versatility equine competition Jul 15, 2024

Country Tough Trail Versatility (CT2V) is a nationals versatility association.  Competitors have three events in trail, obstacles, and a ranch horsemanship pattern.  All scores are combined for an overall versatility placing.

2020 is the third year for CT2V.  In 2019, the association grew over 100%...

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The Journey of a Donkey Named Luke equine health Jul 11, 2024

Luke, the donkey, has hit the jackpot in terms of finding a forever home at our trail riding facility in Missouri.  He will have the task of being loved by children and adults during birthday parties and being kissed by brides that want to have unique wedding photos.  It is a pretty good gig that is...

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2020 Country Tough Trail Versatility National Championship country tough trail versatility equine competition horsemanship and training Jul 09, 2024

Just to think that Country Tough Trail Versatility (CT2V) had 38 participants in 2018, and has 165 members in 2020 is humbling.   CT2V was founded by David and Brandy Von Holten in Mora, MO.    CT2V is a competition association that is a combination of obstacles without any points for speed, a ranch...

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Children's Character Development Book Series Showcases Mules online learning trail riding Jul 09, 2024

Adventures at Von Holten Ranch is a book series consisting of six books with each book featuring a different horse or mule from Von Holten Ranch in Mora, Missouri!  Book number two and six, bring a mule to the spotlight for different character development lessons.  Book number two, Adventures at Von...

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Mule and Rider Pair Wins National Mounted Archery Competition equine competition mounted archery Jul 09, 2024

JoJo, a 9 year old Missouri Fox Trotter John mule, is rocking the mounted archery world!  A national mounted archery competition was held Oct 26-28, 2018 in Mora, Missouri. With mounted archery just now making its way into Missouri and Kansas, every competitor present was able to say that it was the...

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